Blog – Why is it good to keep your business photography collection updated?

Cirencester Love Lane Stock Imagery

Have you invested in professional photography for your business? How long ago was this shoot and how many times have you used those images? 

Regular updates to your photos are important because your audience can become tired of repeated imagery. When we see a fresh eye-catching photo it catches our attention far more than a photo we’ve seen 20+ times over several years. 

Another reason for updated photography is that things can date quickly, you may have updated your logo, several team members may have left the business (but they still feature in your business stock photo collection), or if they’re really old they may feature very dated technology which could detract from your business image. 

I went on a marketing course recently and one of the processes they recommended was a social media audit, this is where you delete the photos/posts that no longer serve your business.  I would extend this concept to an audit of all your imagery across your website and printed material also.  If you need help / a second opinion pop me an email and I’ll happily go through your website, free of charge to point out photography that detracts from your business image.  

So, in conclusion try and find half an hour this week to have a look at the photos you are currently using and ask yourself how often have I used this photo and has it dated over time? 

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